Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Whopping Success!
From my colleagues alone, I have collected a total of S$2,850.00. The company that I'm working in will then make a two-for-one match so the Children's Cancer Foundation (CCF) will receive a total of S$8,550.00 from my colleagues and the company.
From my dearest family members, I have collected a total of S$663.00. I will try to get the company to match this too.
So in total, I have helped CCF to collect S$9,213.00 (or maybe more, if they match the S$663). These will go into some cancer research, helping kids with cancer and their families etc.
Thank you all...
teary-eyed Yi
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Monetary Pledge
In my excitement to shave and record my experience in words/ pictures/ videos, I have totally forgotten about asking the public to support the Children's Cancer Foundation. Therefore, those of you who couldn't shave your head to show support to children with cancer due to work, because your parents wouldn't allow it, perhaps you look horribly awful without hair, or just because of any other reason - please pledge your monetary support by clicking on the links below:
- To make a donation in support of the Hair for Hope program, click here. Remember to select Hair for Hope in the "Donation for" box.
- To make a general donation to the Children's Cancer Foundation, click here.
Please read my next entry to find out what CCF does with all the donations that they receive.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Hair For Hope 2007

Hey I think that's Yi's hair. | |
Oh there they are! Hey Marcus! Hey Yi! |
The lady's helping her tie her hair so that she can donate the whole lock of it to Locks of Love | |
No, she's happy to do it. Look, she's hysterical. Probably going mad. Ha! Ha! |
Oh no... there it goes. Bzzz Bzzz Bzzz Yi says that the machine creates a buzzing sound and vibrates so her head feels fuzzy. | |
1st July 2007
Perhaps I'll freak out later when I'm sitting in front of the mirror and the hairstylist is holding the shaver, all ready to remove my hair. I might break out in cold sweat or I might just smile non-stop cause that's what I do sometimes when I get nervous. Truth be told, I think that I might lose it the last minute but right now... I am still calm.
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Countdown: 1 day
Exhausted! I went wakeboarding for the first time today and my arms are aching and feels so sore. I am so unfit. Anyway, it felt good that the wind was blowing in my face/ hair. It felt nice. I felt all "woman" and sexy. However sometimes, the hair flew into my face and stung my skin - so in a way, I'm glad that it's going. See, my subconscious mind is making up excuses again. Ha! Ha!