Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Whopping Success!

On behalf of the Children's Cancer Foundation, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to everyone for your generous donations. I think that my head shaving experience is well worth the effort.

From my colleagues alone, I have collected a total of S$2,850.00. The company that I'm working in will then make a two-for-one match so the Children's Cancer Foundation (CCF) will receive a total of S$8,550.00 from my colleagues and the company.

From my dearest family members, I have collected a total of S$663.00. I will try to get the company to match this too.

So in total, I have helped CCF to collect S$9,213.00 (or maybe more, if they match the S$663). These will go into some cancer research, helping kids with cancer and their families etc.

Thank you all...

teary-eyed Yi